Family Life
At First Baptist our Family Ministry focuses on embracing and partnering with parents to become the spiritual leaders of their individual family’s that God is calling them to be while also finding a home within the larger family of the church.
Currently we approach this on three fronts.
Childrens Ministry:
Our Childrens ministry is comprised of Sunday school, Kids Quest (our children’s church) and various Childrens and family events throughout the year.
Youth Ministry: Like the children’s ministry, the youth ministry is comprised of Sunday school, TruNorth (Youth meetings) Morning worship, Youth band, and various retreats, mission trips and family events throughout the year.
Parent Ministry: The Parent Ministry of FBC seeks to equip and partner with parents through various Sunday school classes, Sunday worship, training classes and seminars, open communication and invitations to be involved with the programs their children are involved in. This is a newer and evolving ministry that will offer new and exciting opportunities as we develop.